you are reading "A little talk about how I have been doing lately" written at 2024/10/28

Hey, I know I’ve been posting a lot recently about certain topics, but there’s something I’d like to talk about, and it’s about my personal life. And I’ll probably post more about this topic, but sometimes I just feel like sharing to you all, well, how things have been going :3

07/10/2024 - now

I’d like to first talk about the roots of all of this. On the date marked above. I’ve been going through tough times with my.. well, ex-partner, we used to have dramas and stuff, and since then we just broke up. That’s how all of this started, with a break-up. Listen, I wasn’t really the happiest person on earth back then, and I’m talking about 2022/2023 when I used to go through tough times and shit, which I thankfully already recovered, and honestly, time goes really fast, I’m already 16 at the time I’m writing this and, things are changing, and by this I mean a lot. During the time I broke up with my partner, I wasn’t taking the situation that good, I used to be really sad about the fact, I used to cry about it during several weeks, although, as the time was going. I finally discovered something, and this is something everyone should really take in mind.

Life isn’t about depending on someone, life is about just caring about yourself, and just be thankful of who you are

Listen, I used to be a really needy person back then. I really needed someone to be by my side everytime something happens, I used to cry to other people by, lots of stuff, including very… stupid stuff. Just remembering how I used to be back then makes me question lots of things. And this is what I’ve been learning during the months. I really live in a shithole due to personal problems I really don’t wanna talk about, but after all, life goes on right?

After the breakup, I’ve been considering lots of things, whether all of this was in vain, whether all of this was just a mental-degrading situation, etc. I am really thankful for everything I’ve gone through during these two years with my partner, as I’ve discovered lots of things about myself and about how life works, and, this is my final conclusion, already mentioned before: “Life isn’t just about being with someone, life isn’t just about depending on a certain thing to just, be alive, life is about marking yourself goals, achieve them, meet lots of people and most importantly, be thankful of who you are, you are a very important person, no matter what you are, you are still important.”

Going back where I said, that I used to live in a shithole, I managed to just be a little bit more happier by just, disconnecting from what I’m surrounded. I, most of the times go outside, take the nearest train in here (Also called “Cercanías”, at least in where I live), discovering new places, taking pictures about what I’ve been exploring. Doing this kind of stuff has made me feel a lot better, just, having that time where you can travel to certain places is really good. And if you have the chance to do this, just give it a try. It really helped me a lot.

I really do not make these kind of post where I talk about my personal life, but I really want to give this message out there to anyone who’s going through something similar, or just going through tough times, I just want you to remember that you really matter as a person. We are all independent after all, we really are.. I also learned that, we really don’t have to be attached to someone, 24/7, just to be happy with ourselves. And honestly, I’m glad that I’ve been just doing better, cause considering how I used to be back then, compared to how I’m doing right now, this is such an improvement, and I’ve honestly been that thankful of myself, to that extent.

So, the message that I really want to give to anyone out there, whoever’s facing something similar, or just something tough at all. Just enjoy your life dude, try discovering new things, new hobbies, anything that’d possibly make you happy. In my case, travelling to new places was the key. And I hope you find yours as well :3

I’ll probably make more posts like this in the future, talking about, my personal life, how it is improving, as I really wanna share these experiences with you all.

If you really took the time to read this until the end, I’m really thankful for it, thanks, really. <3